Having Fun

Yesterday, I went out with my family to Naperville. We went to Borders for awhile. Of course, being an inveterate bargain hunter, I had to check out their clearance. I scored two "carry boxes" (which look like lunch boxes). This was a good development; at a different Borders a few weeks ago, I had picked up one of these (also on clearance) to make into a shrine/box for our elderly dog, Emma. At the time, I only got one; later, I kicked myself because I realized how much fun they would be to alter. So of course I jumped at the chance to get a couple more. On the way out, I was scanning another rack and saw kraft paper (brown) journals also at 50% off. On a whim, I grabbed one to use as a purse journal. I liked the non-whiteness of the paper and the compact size. Then we drove North on 59 and I saw a scrapbook store I had never seen before. Of course I had to go in and look. They had all kinds of awesome stuff, and I raided the clearance section (since the budget, as usual, is not limitless). One thing I paid full price for, though, was a pair of glitter gel pens. I know, so twelve year old of me, but I am a sucker for glitter. Especially in my favorite blue and green. Then we went out to dinner (at Boston Blackie's). I started writing in my new journal and promptly got grease on the cover. This kinda bothered me, but I knew it was opportunity knocking. I figured I'd alter the journal (which I probably would eventually have done anyway), cover up the grease, and call it good. Things have been very busy lately (thus the long time between posts), but I've managed to put in a few minutes here and there on my new journal and had a great time doing it. I think I achieved the casual look I was going for.
Lovely journal, Sarah! I like the way you alterd it. I never saw a brown paper journal here. Are th pages sturdy?
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