Here is the original pearl necklace I made with my wire crochet design. It's a bit primative in several respects. For one thing, there's a lot of it. I'm guessing that, uncoiled, it is 20 or 25 feet long. Not that that's a bad thing, of course. I also refined the design in the second iteration by folding the original strand in half, then in half again. In this first one, I simply made loops in various lengths, all big enough to go over my head, then tied together in the back (and at the ends) with a loop of copper wire. This is all right as long as you don't want to make a necklace that is smaller (not big enough to go over your head). This one also looks substantially sloppier because the strands are all different lengths. Since I'm a big fan of the organic look, that doesn't present a problem for me.
Tonight I think I'll work on my rainbow wrap. It's taking forever to get that beast done, mainly because I'm making it up as I go along. I love freeform work, but this is taxing because it's totally unfamiliar and I'm not really sure what I'm doing (although parts of it look quite nice). I'm pretty sure I'll cut it up for the beads in the end, but who knows, maybe it will end up being wearable. It's fairly large, too, which I'm beginning to think may have been a mistake. It's copper with ocean jasper beads, some of which are quite sizeable. When I take photos of that, I'll try to use better lighting.
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