Thursday, April 13, 2006

Too Pooped to Party

Wow, I'm tired. Today was zooey at school (I'm a sixth grade teacher). The students have tomorrow off, and it was warm and sunny here today, one of the first days like that. I felt like rolling out the duct tape. My students are pretty well trained, but even the best-behaved are subject to spring fever. Then I went to help my husband who was coordinating the Seder meal at our church (the passover meal). That was quite an undertaking. To make a long story short, it's 9:38 my time and I haven't done more than string a few beads today. I'm trying to decide if I'm awake enough to start my third wire crochet necklace (which will be in shades of green glass on copper). I've already got about half the beads strung for that.


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