Thursday, June 28, 2007


I'll have to take some photos and post them later, but I thought it would be good to post an update. I met with my art friends (thanks, Belinda, Harriet, Shari, and Sandy) Tuesday and learned a super-cool new technique involving tissue paper and glue over various collage elements. That was so much fun. I made my first ever ATC's. Belinda asked me to be a swap angel for the 60 ATC technique swap, so I came home and did up a bunch of my watercolor paper with the wet-in-wet/spatter technique I have been working on. Those came out great and now are ready to go out the door. Then of course I had to make up some of that technique in those colors for myself, since I didn't have any. For the swap I did pthalo blue/pthalo green (yum) and cerulean/veridian(double yum), both with iridescent medium. I'll post photos of those later. Not sure what I will use the painted papers for, but I just loved the color combos so much.....well, it's blue and green, what can I say?

The next thing I tackled was the line collage for the Collage Composition class. I knew I wanted to use a spiral line (because I love curved lines, and particularly spirals). So I got out some big matboard and painted a big green spiral. I had printed out some tiger pictures to collage (copyright free of course) and fiddled with the placement a bit, then reached for the Jo Sonja's True Copper paint and the glass bead medium. Let that dry. Didn't like the shape of the matboard, so I tore some pieces off (in true tiger style). Much better. Then I adhered a picture of a tiger's head. I looked at it for a long time, consulted Tasja (my teenage daughter, also an artist), and pondered the placement of some dimensional objects on the board. Finally, I chose three and glued them on. Now it's drying again. Somehow I think it needs something more to unify it, because I have all these strongly colored elements and a lot of fairly defined borders. I need something to cross the borders and unify it. I am thinking about mixing iridescent medium with the copper paint (to tone it down a little) and sponging some on. Not sure. I'm at the stage where I'm afraid to touch it because I think I might wreck it (which is what happens when I really like something). You know, I didn't like it very much until I ripped pieces off the matboard. That helped it so much. Well, after I figure out what to do with it I will take a photo and post it.


At 9:46 AM, Blogger Sheri said...

wow that all sounds fun! thanx for the compliment on my art...
your lucky.. there are only scrapbookers where i live... no artists... take full advantage!


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