Blue Love

This is basically the other half of the mat board from How Can I Reach (below). I had these chunks of mat board left over from Tiger Tiger, and I wanted to play around with creating backgrounds with acrylic paint. At the Dick Blick Art Expo, I bought two large solid color containers of Golden Fluid Acrylic--I'm too comfortable in front of the fan to look up the names right now but it was something like Primary Cyan (a nice royal blue) and Cyan Turquoise (which is just what it sounds like). I painted one matt board in each color. Then I sponged on Intereference Blue over Primary Cyan and Interference Green over Cyan Turquoise. These made nice backgrounds. On the blue one I decided to use red as a contrast. If you've read my whole blog, you know I used to make a lot of jewelry. I have a lot of stuff left over from that which makes fun accents and focals for collage. The love pendant was from my experiments in writing with wire, and it seemed to fit well with the overall look. The red glass trianglular piece was one of my experiments in glass fusing. I think the composition for this is a little weird, with the love pendant being a floater, but to me it is expressive of the isolation I sometimes feel in the midst of the busy-ness of my daily routine. I'd be happy to have some feedback on this piece, understanding that I am still a relative beginner with mixed media.
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