Imagine My Surprise

I have been sitting here stewing, wanting to start playing with faceted stones and wire a la Obsessions in Wire, which I recently bought. Unfortunately, I don't have 21 ga half round wire, 22 ga square wire, or 24 ga square wire, and I'm waiting on payment from someone who is buying my torch and glass stuff in order to buy the wire I need to do these designs. Waiting sucks. But today I realized that one of the faceted stones I have is so big, I might be able to use 21 gauge square wire and 18 gauge half round on it. The left side of my brain said, 'No friggin' way!" but the right side said, "What have you got to lose?" Well, I tried it even though I didn't fully understand the directions. Imagine my surprise when I was able to complete the wrap! It's not the neatest or most elegant, but it does hold the stone securely, and I will be proud to wear it. The best part is, now I understand how this style of wrap goes together, and I'll be able to do a much neater job next time. I think I also understand it well enough now to adjust the wrap to different sizes and shapes of stones. Or at least I'm on the way to understanding it like that. It was quite scary to try this for the first time, especially since I didn't feel I understood the directions very well--but it worked. SO my word to you is, take on that project and let your muse try to keep up with you!
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